Election post


As an economics student and a nominee for the position of GCS president, I am standing for this role because I am deeply passionate about the study of economics and its potential to shape the world for the better. I am also enthusiastic about spreading Chinese culture and fostering a global understanding of China's rich history, traditions, and contributions to the global community. Furthermore, I am committed to prioritizing research within the GCS organization, as I believe that rigorous and innovative research is essential for advancing knowledge and addressing complex global challenges.

First and foremost, I am standing for president because I am passionate about spreading Chinese culture and fostering a global understanding of China's rich history, traditions, and contributions to the global community. China has a long and storied history, and its culture has had a profound impact on the world. As president of GCS, I would work to promote cross-cultural understanding and to celebrate the diversity and richness of Chinese culture.

I am passionate about spreading Chinese culture, and committed to prioritizing research within the organization. I believe that these priorities are essential for promoting global understanding, advancing knowledge, and addressing the complex challenges facing our world today. I hope to have the opportunity to serve as GCS president and to make a positive impact on our community and our world.

Preferred pronouns
Quan Zhong