Election post


Hallo zusammen :),

the reason why I'm running for Welfare Officer is pretty standard but important to me: I know how difficult the university experience can be, and I'd like to offer a shoulder to lean on for those who need it. 

I'm not German but I grew up in Frankfurt where I went to a small international school, and the transition of moving to London and going to a big uni was not an easy one for me. In my (thus far) 2 years at UCL, you could say I learned the ins and outs of the Student Wellbeing services -- if you need help that I can't offer, I know where to guide you. 

That being said, I'm also always happy to just talk about whatever's bothering you and be a judgement-free ear. Can't promise I will keep up fully in Deutsch but I'll always try my best! Depending on member interest I'm also planning to host small biweekly welfare sessions to hangout or study, whichever you prefer :)

Thanks for your time and see you next year!


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