Election post


As we approach to elect our new treasurer, I would like to introduce myself and tell you a bit why I would love to step into this role. 
My name is Philippe Greiner, I am 19 years old and grew up in Karlsruhe, in the southwest of Germany. Currently, I am a first-year management science student at UCL. In my free time, I participate in the UCL rowing team, go skiing, play tennis, go sailing, watch football, or meet friends. I had a lot of fun meeting some of you already at one of our Stammtisch and would now love to get further involved in the committee. 
Throughout my years in high school, I actively participated in the student council, where I was the head treasurer and the student president in my final year. During my time in these roles, I enjoyed working with different staff members and learning about the  various projects they were involved in. 
This year, I got the opportunity to work as the events officer for the School of Management Society and as the student representative for Management Science.
I believe that my experiences as treasurer in the past are very beneficial to taking on a similar role at the German society. I would love to come up with creative ideas to introduce in the German society for all of you.
Please feel free to come up to me if there is anything else you would like to know about me.