Election post


Hi! My name is Amelie, and I am running for the position of Treasurer in the Genetics Society.

As a dedicated Biological Sciences student with a strong interest in genetics and experience in financial management, I am eager to apply my skills and passion to enhance our society's financial well-being and support our mission to advance the field of genetics.

In the role of Treasurer, I plan to:

  • Ensure comprehensive financial reports are implemented for transparency and accountability
  • Develop a sustainable budget that underpins our immediate needs and future projects
  • Actively pursue fundraising opportunities and grants to strengthen our financial base
  • Make well-informed decisions to ensure a healthy cash flow and effective financial management, providing ample resources for organizing quality events
  • Work in close collaboration with other committee members to make informed financial decisions

I am dedicated to maintaining the society's operations in a financially responsible and sustainable manner, so it can continue to offer valuable experiences and opportunities to its members for the years to come.