Election post


I believe gaming takes a huge toll on our mental health and as someone who's always grateful for having people to turn to during bad days, I plan to host check in sessions and having a discord chat dedicated to peer support + discussions and to create a safe space for members to rant.

Of course, as a community we are bound to have conflicts, I will act as a mediator, and manage issues or disputes by facilitating constructive dialogue and resolution among members. This is done by promoting open communication, and understanding. Members would also be able to inform me of any concerns, and with my fast reply speed, I’ll try my best to resolve such issues promptly to prevent escalation.

I also plan to introduce mentorship programs or events to aid freshers integrate into our community, providing advice and support throughout this transition. Collaborative decision making is essential within a club. Thus, I will also work closely with the other officers and leadership team to ensure the events held would take members' suggestions into account, be it the type of event, the activities held, or the venue, I will try ensure that most needs are met, as the welfare of the community remains at the forefront of all my endeavours.

And finally, as your welfare officer, I promise to be your voice to push for a better, harmonious, and more inclusive gaming society moving forward, making it a safe and welcoming community for every gamer alike and a society that we can all be proud of.

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