Election post


Ayo! I’m a first-year Computer Science student and a former Arts & Sciences student. I’ve been in UCL long enough to be familiar with student life here and I can’t wait to get this society off the ground.

What’s my history with this society?

I’m the founder! I affiliated the society with some friends this January. We’ve been holding biweekly committee meetings ever since, mapping out our plans to make GameDev Soc great.

What activities do you have planned for the year?

For our first year running, we have a lot of activities in store:

  • A trip to Eurogamer Conference (EGX)
  • Participation in Global Game Jam with other universities, like Imperial
  • Workshops – come in and develop games together!
  • Game design discussions
  • Socials!

Do you make games.

I’m a huge fan of engines that fulfil specific niches like Twine, Bitsy, and Pico-8. For most of my childhood, RPGMaker was my baby – I even put one of my RPGMaker games on Steam (!). Since then, I’ve moved on to learning other engines like Unity.

What are your goals for this society?

  • To get those with no prior experience started! If you’re an artist, writer, musician, social science student, etc – you can take part. It's like Ratatouille. “Anyone can cook … (Anyone can make games)".
  • To make running the society easier for the next committee. This means establishing common practices and activities.  

I look forward to making games with you all!

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