Election post


Freestyle Dance Society is my favourite society at UCL as it combines my passion for dance and belief that dance creates tight-knit communities. It encourages individual dance improvement whilst not pressuring anyone to conform to anything they do not want to. Although I have been dancing for so long, I honestly still learn so much both from the "teachers" and fellow "students". I say that in quotations because the society promotes inspiring from each other rather than following a leader. I am running for president due to my love for dance and community. I've been dancing for over 15 years and tried out many styles ranging from disco dance to hip hop and plan to introduce as many as possible to the society. I have experience dancing and "creating" in larger teams and am ready to cater to the members' needs and wants.

As I am a first-year, I also hope that becoming the president will help me connect more with the dance community here. It would be my pleasure to become the president of FDS and continue developing the community around dance not only at UCL. Additionally, my beloved dance team back home was also called FDS (Fantasy Dance Studio), further instilling my love for the society. They want me to win, might as well grant their wishes ;).


P.S.: My candidate photo is from a dance camp during a very intense house workshop.

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