Election post


Hi! I’m Fion, a second year Law student running for the position of Free Hype’s President!


My experience as Treasurer for the society this year has been incredibly valuable and I have been lucky to witness, and be a part of, the collaboration of creatives from different fields to produce work dedicated to a good cause. In a world where it is difficult and often inaccessible to budget time and money towards something as crucial as brand image, design or various other artistic needs, I believe that the Free Hype society has the power to shed light on those who would otherwise be left unheard and unseen! 


From this, I believe that being President in the coming year would enable me to continue the work of previous years in fostering a positive and encouraging creative environment whilst also helping a wider range of people and organisations with their creative needs. My visions for next year include hosting a range of workshops to make the world of design more accessible to those wanting to learn, hosting speaker panels for those wanting to break into creative industries and continuing to provide support to different organisations. 


As someone who is personally interested in graphic design and illustration, I genuinely am interested in what the society has to offer and wish to continue the positive work it has achieved so far.


I hope to work with you all in the coming year!

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