Election post


Hi, I'm Romany, currently I'm in my first year studying biological sciences and I am standing for 3rd team captain. Before this year, I had never properly played football on a team and joining the threes has made me fall in love with it! My favourite memories from the past year have come from being a part of this club, making friends with my teammates and playing with them. This team has had the best environment to help me improve as a goalkeeper, and next year I hope to be a part of that for others. 

As captain, I’d be dedicated to this team, both physically, by attending all games and training, and socially. Also, I am capable enough to lead and motivate my teammates through training and matches. Finally, I will work hard to maintain morale and chemistry by organising team socials and get-together. The third team has become very important to me over the past year, and I would be honoured to have the opportunity to captain it.


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