Election post



My name is Carmen Vidal Cano, and I’m a second-year Comparative Literature student. As the end of my degree rapidly approaches, I have decided to run for BUCS Captain. I’m passionate about football and eager to contribute to the vibrant community within RUMS Women’s Football. 

When I first started, I was a bit anxious about playing football. As a new member, I felt nervous on the field. Fortunately, I was surrounded by a lovely group of supportive female players. There was never a moment in which I felt judged or uncomfortable in RUMS Women’s Football. Everyone consistently made an effort to support, encourage, and create a safe playing environment for me. As BUCS Captain, I aim to do the same. I promise to listen and help whenever you need it, creating a comfortable and encouraging atmosphere to play in. 

Moreover, I also have experience in this role. In high school, I served as the captain of the girls' football team, a role that I loved. I undertook various responsibilities, including organizing team meetings, coordinating training sessions, facilitating recruitment efforts, and providing coaching support to team members. Through these efforts, I contributed to our team's success in the Nation ACAMIS Tournament. I look forward to applying the experiences and skills I learned as a team captain to my role as BUCS Captain. 

Overall, I'm motivated, passionate, organized, and hardworking, and I know I would do an amazing job if given the opportunity. Vote for me!

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