Election post


I would like to continue the work that UCFC has done with respect to charities. From raising thousands during Movember for men's mental health, to participating in soup kitchens, UCFC always finds way to give back to the community - something that I am passionate about.

A club of this size and community has a unique ability to do genuine good for people across London, and being part of that change is something that everyone should be proud of and actively participate in. 

There is always room to do more, and I intend to oversee this as Charity Secretary. From attempting to increase the amazing amount raised for men's mental health last November, to ensuring a consistent level of participation in charity ventures throughout the year.

The charity match is one of the most exciting events of the year, and I believe that next year it can be even bigger. This would be another one of my aims next year, alongside encouraging people to actively engage with club and solo charity ventures.

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