Election post


Hi everyone! I’m Ellie, a current third year French and Spanish student, going into my final year at UCL!

During my tenure as last year’s videography officer (2022-23), we really upped the scale of our annual Varsity broadcast. Through this experience, the importance of having an expansive team on board became very clear to me, and getting as many people involved as possible. Filmsoc boasts a wide array of livestreaming equipment, and I’m convinced that focusing on more informal hands-on workshops would be a great way for members to learn the ropes and discover the world of broadcast. If elected, I’d focus on streamlining the broadcast production process, as well as continuing to strengthen Filmsoc’s existing relationship with the Student Union and the numerous societies that Filmsoc often carries out videography work for.

I can still remember what it felt like joining Filmsoc without having had much previous experience, and videography opportunities were a great way in to gain confidence and learn new skills. If elected, I would aim to focus on making these videography opportunities feel approachable and accessible, especially to new members looking to get involved in the Filmsoc community.

Being the videography officer last year was frankly the highlight of my time at Filmsoc and UCL in general, and I’m convinced that with this experience under my belt I have more to give if elected for my final year at UCL!

Preferred pronouns
she / her