Election post


Hi! My primary aim for next year is to greatly increase engagement within the society, making us more connected, I want to do this not only because I believe that Film Soc contains many interesting, wonderful people to get to know, but also to connect individuals and further filmmaking collaborations in the society. Most importantly I want to make sure everyone feels they have a place in Film Soc. I think society engagement starts with our socials and aim next year to help our screenings and socials officers to increase and vary the activities we offer. As a team we will build on the regular screenings so that there can be more of a community sense.

I will work hard as your president to give you all a bigger creative platform and more opportunities, I want to make it as easy as possible for new members and filmmakers to dive right in and get involved in the creative aspects of Film Soc. I also want to work on the budget for affiliate bids to allow more members of the society to be independent and creative in their filmmaking. When it comes to the technological  side of filmmaking I appreciate that many don’t know where to make a start. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned filmmaker I want everyone through workshops to be able to make full use of society equipment.

I want to ensure that Film Soc becomes an even more diverse and welcoming place, where everyone regardless of area of interest, background or experience is able to find a place in this large, wonderful society.

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