Election post


There is little I love more than writing and reading about film (apart from watching film itself…sometimes.) Some may that’s sad but I say it’s pretty ideal for the aspiring co-editor in chief of a film and tv journal. 

More than ever, it seems we are spoilt for choice as to quality film and tv— just look at this year’s best picture line-up. My priority as co-editor in chief would be to ensure the journal is in a position to cover as much of this exciting era of media as possible.

This year, I have greatly enjoyed the journal’s newsletter, online articles, and movement into podcasts. My aims would be both the sustainment and growth of these initiatives. 

It seems almost trite at this point to campaign on account of wrestling perspectives out of the hands of the film bro (ahhhh scary), but I’ve said it now, so please vote for me because I’m not…one of those.

On a serious note, I would love to be co-editor in chief because I think that despite recent debate, film criticism is an art and it is important. Through writing and talking about film, we extend them. Film journalism is a medium of connection, of sharing, of provoking thought and challenging taste and opinion. It is the creation of conversation. I would love to maintain this wonderful space at UCL where we are so lucky to converse. 

Preferred pronouns