Election post


I am running for Documentary Producer for next year as I want to keep the FilmSoc term films as welcoming environments where students can learn about filmmaking in a friendly and fun setting. Having worked on FilmSoc and personal projects, I have experience on set and know that organisation is a huge part of a successful production. As Socials and Screenings Producer this year, I gained experience planning and organising events and creating a welcoming atmosphere for all members of the society. I believe this experience will be useful as Documentary Producer.

I have always had a passion for film, but documentary in particular. Studying Anthropology and documentary making at UCL has shown me what can be done within the genre. As Documentary Producer, it would be important for me to tell stories that otherwise would not necessarily get to be told in the professional film industry. FilmSoc has the privilege of allowing us to experiment with film in new ways, and I want to utilise this next year!