Election post


I wish to continue an inclusive attitude towards all fencers by:

  • Monthly wellbeing events: Monthly chill fencing socials for non-drinkers targeting mental health and wellbeing.
  • Monthly check-ins: Anonymous suggestions relating to general wellbeing worries that can be voiced to leadership. 
  • Weekly check-in sessions: Have a face-to-face chat about any complaints / issues you may have.

I'll ensure that all uncomfortable or dangerous situations are dealt with swiftly, because I understand the importance of feeling heard. My experience within leadership positions, from chief-editor of my college newspaper to the Head-Cadet of the Police Cadets, has accustomed me to dealing with all concerns, conduct breaches, and accusations of hate / homophobia. I strive to improve all modes of communication and have been certified as a Suicide and Self-Harm prevention officer alongside learning advanced BSL (British Sign language). 

I'm a people person and gain energy from being with them. My male friends joke that I am the group therapist, but truth be told I am just glad they trust me enough to let me listen. Fencing is a beautiful and thrilling sport, one I encourage everyone to try. You shouldn't have to worry about all the things that make you uncomfortable whilst doing it, that will be my job if I am elected! I want to be the friendly face that you can come to see when the sport doesn't seem so thrilling and fun, and make sure that university and sporting life helps your wellbeing.

Preferred pronouns
She / Her