Election post


Hear ye, hear ye, faithful citizens of UCL Fencing Society!

I am Jacob, your current Novice Representative (Tribune of the Plebeians), and I do beseech you all to consider electing me your President next year.

If you vote for me I shall:

  • Construct statues of Killian and Lorcan on the portico steps in their memory.
  • Lead UCL to glorious victory in Varsity 2025.
  • Ban foil*.
  • Be a benevolent king I promise.

In return for my services as monarch you must:

  • Vote for me [this is not a one-party state...].
  • Slay on and off the piste.
  • Swear allegiance to me and to the club.

I have been a member of UCL Fencing society since I started uni, going through the beginners' training course in first term. I have experience on committee both in Fencing Soc and Drama Soc. The Fencing Club has been one of the core aspects of my UCL experience so you can be sure I will be devoted to my role. It would be a privilege to serve as your President.

I look forward to seeing you all at training!



*So I don't lose 1/3 of my votes I feel obliged to tell you this is a joke (it's not).

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