Election post


Hello everyone! Being Head of Events for European Horizons over the past year has been incredible, and I would love to become President of the society for next year.

Having been in the committee for months now, I am well acquainted with the way European Horizons works and what it takes to run it. I've helped plan and advertise all our events since November, and this has given me valuable insight, skills, and experience which I would apply as President. Additionally, I have experience in leadership (including as president) of extracurriculars prior to UCL, so I know what it takes to effectively run a student group and I would ensure to use my leadership skills and experience if elected President.

European Horizons is a great society, and I've loved my time here so far, especially in the committee. As President, I would ensure to work closely with the rest of the committee to continue to plan incredible events for all of you and to take in any feedback from members. As an ISPS student and an EU citizen who has lived in three different European countries, the work at European Horizons fascinates me, and it's this passion which would guide my work as President.

Thank you!

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