Election post


I believe that this society is integral to the cohesion of our course and its students. It is my belief that the EISPS society should be a space for students to come together, discuss important topics and maintain friendships. As Events Officer, I would strive to provide a combination of socially and academically enriching activities for society members.

This year, the society has organised exciting events, including an upcoming U.S Diplomacy Day at the U.S Embassy. I believe we can offer more opportunities by increasing cooperation with other societies. I endeavour to run more events for non-political specialisms, such as economics or language-centred events, and events where students can learn what careers are open to them. This society provides a forum for a diverse group of students to further explore their interests. 

I would also organise a super course ball! Before Christmas, many courses held an enjoyable event where students were able to get to know each other early in the academic year. I would like for EISPS students to have the same opportunity to get dressed up and have fun with their course mates! I would also organise social events where students can come together to relax from our challenging course, perhaps including a pub crawl or social dinners.

Therefore, as Events Officer, I would organise an array of enriching and enjoyable activities where students can come together to foster their interests and career opportunities and create long-lasting friendships.

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