Election post


Hey everyone! My name is Sofiko. You might already know me, as you've seen me on one of the events of our society, helping out, moderating, or leading it) For the past year I've participated in the life of this society, dedicating my time, ideas, soul for the prosperity of this society, and I would like to continue doing this on an even bigger scale, as the president of the society! I would definitely like to continue the having various branches: business, culture, and charity. I will maintain the level we've set for culture and business, and develop the charity sector even further with competitions, collaborations, hackathons, and other exciting ideas! With the knowledge I've gained, helping organising the conference this year, we would make the conference next year even better (which would be very hard considering the level we've set, but we will try!!). I hope, my work in the society says for me, and you already know, that my heart is with this society, and I would do everything to make it one of the best ones at UCL! Love you all guys, hopefully see you next year)