Election post


Members of the ESG Society, greetings. 

I'll keep my statement short and simple- 

After serving as the Head of ESG at a student-run asset manager, I can confidently say that sustainable investing and intangible ESG metric analysis are here to stay for a long time. Global sustainable funds hold over USD $3 trillion in assets, given the increasing financial materiality implications of climate change and the rise of AI, this figure is only set to rise. Under my leadership, the Environmental, Social and Governance Society will be the place where you can become a part of this future-oriented megatrend.

When elected, to ensure that the statement above holds genuine commitment, I will:

- Forge strategic partnerships with organisations leading the way in ESG and sustainable finance, opening doors to unparalleled career development opportunities for ESG Society members.

- Expand the society’s presence outside of UCL through cooperation with corresponding societies across various universities. 

- Host insightful speakers and networking events that will help to explore and understand the current trends in a rapidly developing sustainable finance environment. 

- Organise debates regarding pressing and appropriate topics to facilitate critical thinking and intellectual collaboration.

By casting your vote in my favour, you are securing a bright future for the Environmental, Social and Governance Society.