Election post



I am Sneha and I am a first year student doing my degree in Natural Sciences. This year, I attended a lot of interesting talks and workshops in the areas of startups and AI-related careers by the Entrepreneurs society. The society is a strong community inspiring students to explore new career routes and as I am passionate about bringing more women to tech positions, I want to join the committee and specifically strengthen the area of women-entrepreneurship in UCL. So, I am applying for this position.

In my gap year, I formed a team and  started a project of empowering more female students in Nepal to pursue STEM. We worked with top female-lead tech organisations in the international space to conduct events, workshops and talk programs for high school senior girls in my country.

My time as the president of the project was a remarkably rewarding experience for me. We reached more than 1000 girl students in Nepal through our programs. This experience also taught me how important women empowerment was for STEM fields, and I want to use my past experience to continue with my efforts of inspiring and motivating more women in UCL to find their career paths in tech. 

In the society's events, I want to add females-only immersive design-thinking sprints and plan company-visits to big tech companies so that a small solid community is formed for women entrepreneurs which nurtures them with confidence and inspires them to expand their network in global markets.



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