Election post


Hey everyone, my name is Sophia and I hope to join the VC Fund next year! I am a first year Arts and Sciences student with a keen interest in venture capital. My main goals would be to grow the entrepreneurial spirit at UCL and help foster an inclusive environment to aid as many founders develop their businesses as possible. 

As VC Executive I would:

  • Help organize more socials for entrepreneurs to meet each other and encourage them to apply for funding from the VC Fund
  • Encourage investments in startups focused on environmental issues and social inequalities

I have extensive experience working with startups. In the past I interned at a government agency where I worked with start-ups to help them expand their businesses to new markets, and now am working as a consultant to aid another startup break into the London market. I have seen what it takes for a start-up to be successful and hope to use this knowledge to help UCL entrepreneurs!

I want to ensure everyone’s ideas are heard, so please feel free to contact me at [email protected]


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