Election post


My name is Aakanksha Som and I believe that I would be a successful VC Fund Director. 

During my first year at UCL, I quickly realised that one of the most effective ways to connect with like-minded individuals was through extracurricular involvement. Hence, I became the Social Media and Marketing Executive for UCL Investment Society and a Campus Experience Ambassador for UCL Accommodation. These positions not only allowed me to refine my strategic decision-making skills but also honed my ability to communicate effectively with both colleagues and clients. Managing the demands of these roles, alongside my pursuit of a BSc in History and Philosophy of Science demonstrated my adeptness in time management. My academic journey delves into the evolution of healthcare, positioning me well to understand the intricate intersection of technology, science and innovation – critical for navigating the complex landscape of a VC Fund. 

My vision for the VC Fund includes proposing a launch event. This will be a chance to bring together industry leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs for a day of insightful panels, workshops and networking opportunities. In my current role as the Creative Director of MeetFounders, I have successfully curated events connecting investors and start-ups, fostering a thriving ecosystem - I can leverage my network from this role to gain sponsorship for the VC Fund and negotiate event-specific partnership with firms. 

I would greatly appreciate your vote!