Election post


Being involved with ems has really positively shaped my experience at uni. I have had a lot of fun, perhaps too much fun for a Tuesday night, but ultimately what I have gained through EMS is a bunch of solid, close friends. I’d be pretty excited to work with the committee next year!

From a rep in first year to welfare and head of events this year, I’ve come to understand the ins and outs of the society, what works and what I think could be better. Working with the committee has been fun, and we have been able to continue putting on club nights at our favourite venues, running weekly DJ lessons, pub socials and made an effort to improve the diversity of our events. I’ve loved running the female/nb DJ lessons and I’m keen to push to see more females/nb making their club debuts.

I want to make a conscious effort for there to be more informal opportunities for us all to catch up, whether that’s an evening mix or a weekly pub rendezvous. I think EMS has the potential to put on some impressive events, many of which we have already done, but I think through nurturing a tighter circle without it becoming insular, ideas and thoughts can be exchanged and excitement created. I’m always keen on fresh input on ideas and want to creatively involve as many of you as possible.

We have lots of ideas for the rest of the year, and I’m super excited to continue working on these projects.

I would love it if you could give me a vote. I shall try my best to make it a good year :)))