Election post


Hi everyone! I’m Sophie, a second-year BA Education Studies student and currently a Director in this society, and I’m excited to be running for President for the next academic year.

It's been an incredible journey being part of this society since early 2023. From working alongside an amazing team, to organising and executing events across the IOE and UCL, and witnessing everyone’s dedication and passion firsthand, has truly been inspiring. With the experience I've gained and the genuine love I have for what we do here, I'm confident in my ability to lead and represent our society effectively. 

As President, I hope to build on our past successes while also exploring new opportunities for growth and innovation. I am committed to creating a supportive environment where every member feels valued and heard. Moreover, I am dedicated to advancing our society’s mission of kickstarting and supporting aspiring education innovators and entrepreneurs to the best of my ability.

You all are truly the future of education, and I would be honoured to have the opportunity to serve you and our community. Thank you! :)