Election post


Hi everyone,  

My name is Truck Yang, and I am a current First Year Rep in Finance as well as an Analyst at Bloomsbury Capital. Through my position as FYR, I have successfully invited an MD and a VP from Macquarie to events, demonstrating my strong ability to deliver high-calibre events. I also benefited greatly from society mentorship, which helped me secure a spring week with BNP Paribas. 

Through my strong connections within EFS, working closely with the current committee, I believe that I am the ideal candidate to lead the Economics Division ahead of EFS’ 70th anniversary. I will endeavour to improve the quality of the Economics events, delivering events tailored to the needs of members.

My agenda includes:
•    Economics: Continuing to invite renowned economists (Previous speakers include MIT Economics Chair, BoE Monetary Policy Committee member and Director of the IFS)
•    Finance: More collaboration with the Finance Division on exclusive panel events, holding more workshops for spring week/summer internship
•    Events: Continue to hold The Economist’s Symposium and set various competitions in Economics for members to gather experience
•    Collaboration: Besides existing partnership with Bocconi and Durham Universities, I seek to expand collaborations with more world-class universities for members to network with!

Thank you for your time and consideration!

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