Election post



My name is Andy Liu, an Economics student, running to be the Vice President of Business at EFS.

Given the business network at UCL, I landed a role as a FYR at the UCL Consulting Society, where I focused on creating interactive content to better resonate with our audience. This experience provided me with a solid understanding of the consulting industry and highlighted the demand of many students to enter this field, despite often lacking the necessary insights and connections. Later, I interned as a strategic advisor at Thymia, where I focused on proposing an expansion plan for a med-tech startup. This role offered me a substantial exposure to the modern challenges and financial needs of start-ups.

This year, my main agenda to include:

• Expansion: To branch out the business division to include venture capital, private equity, and consulting.

• Partnership: Establishing partnerships with leading consulting firms to maximize the society’s exposure in consulting and continue the society’s successful relationship with BCG.

• Event Organization: Planning and hosting business-related events, such as Unlock Consulting Workshop and Entrepreneurship Networking Panel, to satisfy student demand for learning about careers in business-oriented fields.

I believe that I am an ideal candidate to lead the Business Division ahead of EFS' 70th anniversary. I will use my diverse experience to create a positive impact and maintaining our strong position as a premier career society at UCL.

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