Election post


Hi! I am Vlad Midoni, current First-Year Representative in the Client Relations division of EFS running for the position of Treasurer.

As an FYR, I have established a track record of representing EFS in the utmost professional manner, but most importantly, I learnt the inner workings of the society, giving me a clear vision of what needs to be done to perpetuate our society’s 70-year esteemed legacy. 

My numerous experiences, ranging from being a Brand Ambassador for a start-up to being involved in a $160 million project with the Moldovan Government equipped me with the skills needed to succeed in this role. After all, who better to manage the EFS funds than the person implicated in getting them in the first place? 

As treasurer, I plan on aiding the committee in bringing well-structured events and preserving the financial health of the society. Hence, my agenda is EFS for EFS:  

  • E - encouraging collaboration - I plan on expanding the society’s portfolio of partnerships and organising joint events with other major university societies from all over the UK.
  • F - forging connections - working with our sponsors to create stronger ties within the finance industry, raising funds, and giving you, the members, the opportunity to network with the most desirable employers. 
  • S - spending sustainably - managing the society’s funds with caution, ensuring that we can afford and deliver the best events for our members throughout the year.

Thank you for your time and consideration!