Election post


Hi everyone! I’m Abeni, and I want to be your president for UCLDRS! I was the Academic Officer in 2023 and helped organise several social and academic events.

As a neuroscience student, I am extremely passionate about studying and exploring its clinical aspects, especially neurodegeneration. I am hardworking and have developed leadership and collaborative skills from previous roles. By being your president, I plan to carry out several different events in the following domains

  1. More Pub/ Quiz socials to increase engagement with society members
  2. Panel Discussions with researchers instead of lectures to allow members to have stimulating conversations with researchers
  3. Career workshops with academics / students who completed research internships to provide insight into potential career opportunities
  4. Monthly journal clubs to remain up to date on latest research
  5. Lab visits so that members can understand what goes into working in a lab and carrying out independent research. This will also enable them to establish connections if they’re interested in doing summer lab placements

I also aim to increase communication by regularly updating the Instagram page (@ucldrs) and potentially creating a website where everyone can access latest dementia research news and check out our calendar of events

I look forward to bringing these ideas to life, to enhance interest in dementia research among people from both STEM and Non-STEM backgrounds, and I would love to do so as your president!


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