Election post


Why do you want SANTIAGO as your Debate Society Treasurer?

Great question. 3 easy reasons:

1. I’m extremely adept at using Excel spreadsheets. Mastering the art of the spreadsheet is particularly important for your treasurer, since I’ll be handling all of the finances that will get you to the competitions YOU are going to be winning for us and UCL.

2. Everyone ELSE is voting for SANTIAGO, you should too! I’ve been at UCL for 2 years now, and I’m showing no signs of stopping; pray for my EoY’s. I know a lot of the current and future committee members, which will make communicating in committee meetings productive and straightforward. Don’t be on the losing team. It sucks. Don’t worry, I took Maths at A-level so I know winning odds when I see them.

3. Need someone you can trust to get things done? What happens when you mix a professional with an active athlete like me? You get someone that’s pro-active! That’s me. I don’t leave things to the last minute and I stay organised. I prefer to impose my own pressure than let external things pressure me. I’m not a psi. Haha, pressure-related joke.

Why DON’T you want anyone else? 5 reasons:

1. They might embezzle all your hard-paid funds and escape to the high-life in Brazil.

2. They are NOT the Master Oogway of Excel spreadsheets.

3. Most people are lazy and I‘m excellent at gaslighting myself into working hard.

4. I don’t drink, so drunk-spending is a no-no.

5. See above.

Can’t wait to be your VIT, Very Important Treasurer.

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