Election post


I took on various leadership roles in my high school debate program; organizing tournaments, the program's day-to-day logistics, and handling communications. Though the work occasionally made me want to lose my mind (such is the nature of anything debate-related, as we all know,) I genuinely enjoyed both the work itself and the opportunity to work closely with others to produce something (events, lessons, etc.,) we were proud of and people got to enjoy. I really miss the work I used to do in debate, in addition to the debate community, and would appreciate the opportunity to get back to it by taking up this position.

Not to expose myself as a debate kid, but I've been obsessed with debate since I was 14 and I think that level of obsession would be productive in this role. I’m confident I have the qualifications and skills to perform very well in the position and contribute to debate at UCL. If you have doubts, you can find me on Linkedin, ask me for my CV, or run a background check. 


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