Election post


 The social side of dance society was very important to me, I threw myself in as much as I could in first year. As it was such a priority to me coming in, I relate to the social sec role and connect on a personal level with wanting to help others socialise in dance society. With or without an iconic committee jacket I will continue to be a positive presence in society and make people laugh which as a person is also how I approach all aspects of what I do. Because I know how much it meant to me, trying to infiltrate into dance society as a fresher, I would feel honoured to be that friendly face. I love to talk to new people, easily joining new conversations. I always include others eg I was confident and excited to befriend the Queen Mary dancers at post TD social.

I understand the role is much more than going ‘Follow me to Marlborough Arms’ after a show however I have faith in my ability to perform the duties. I have proven I can manage my time by balancing rehearsals with social commitments, studying and paid work throughout the year, as well as general keeping myself alive etc which I think as students  we can all agree is a full time job in itself. I have ideas for socials such as more frequent (perhaps monthly)  themed Scala trips, a refreshers event consolidating friendships from the freshers show and 1 group social per show or comps team so that intradance relationships can grow into friendships. I hope this shows some of the energy I would inject into the role.


Preferred pronouns
she/ her