Election post


My passion for organizing events and my commitment to helping everyone in our community drives my desire to run for this position. Throughout my time at university, I have come to realise how essential it is to have a supportive and active society where everyone can feel welcomed and connected.

I believe that through well-planned and engaging events, we can enhance our university experience, foster lasting friendships, and open doors to new opportunities. I am committed to listening to your needs and working hard to make sure that our events are enjoyable, meaningful, and valuable in helping you meet new people and socialise in a friendly environment. 

Interesting ideas and proposals for next year:

- More and bigger Greek Nights and Extenxes Vradies
- A fair allocation system of tickets for events of the society
- Partnership with the Cypriot Federation in London - Common events with Cypriots of the Diaspora
- BBQ - FOUKOUES !!!! (We have already purchased a few foukoues and we are ready to organize many gatherings with the support of...souvlakia, sheftalia and halloumi!)
- Sports and Games: 1)Football: design ideas for football kits and participation in local tournaments 2) Tavli tournament 3) Bingo Night 4) Padel outings 5) Group Runs 6) Cypriot/Greek dances workshops
- Frappe afternoons every 2nd Wednesday


Lets have an amazing next year!

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