Election post


Whenever i talk to Cypriot and Greek students who studied in London, I listen to the same old story: everybody gets lost in the fuss of the city, misses opportunities to hang out like back home, and most importantly we deserve to feel closer to our community.

These three statements are the reasons that I am standing in the upcoming elections for the position of President of the Cypriot and Hellenic society.

I feel obliged, and motivated to bring us together!

I have been a loud advocate of how unfortunate it is for us to feel lost and not part of a well-connected community, and I support my nomination with numerous proposals on how to change that:

  • More and bigger Greek Nights and "Entexnes Vradies"
  • A fair allocation system of tickets for events of the society
  • Partnership with the Cypriot Federation in London - Common events with Cypriots of the Diaspora
  • BBQ - FOUKOUES !!!! (We have already purchased a few foukoues and we are ready to organize many gatherings with the support of...souvlakia, sheftalia and halloumia!)
  • Sports and Games: 1)Football: design ideas for football kits and participation in local tournaments 2) Tavli tournament 3)Pilotta tournament 4) Bingo Night 5) Padel outings 6) Group Runs 7) Cypriot/Greek dances workshops
  • Frappe afternoons every 2nd Wednesday
  • Internship and Industry talks with the Cypriots in the City Association

We need to find ways to feel closer to our roots, and I can ensure that i will do everything possible to make that a reality!


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