Election post


Over the past year I have greatly enjoyed being president of the cycling club, and have learnt so much in terms of leadership skills, managing responsibility and promoting a welcoming and disciplined atmosphere. It has been so rewarding to see members enjoying the activities and events we have provided and I would love to be able to continue our weekly schedule of Regents Park rides and longer weekend rides, as well as our collaboration with other Uni of London cycling clubs.

Moving forward, I would like to place more emphasis on a women’s division of the club to create a more inclusive and supportive environment, and work with sustainability factors of UCL to promote safe commuting, particularly with the rise in popularity of UCL East events. Plans are currently in place for a 2024 summer cycling trip, and if this is successful it would be great to develop this again in 2025. I will also utilise my time during summer more to secure sponsorship deals and partnerships with the contacts I have within cycling.