Election post


I’ve had an amazing year being social sec and it would be an honour to get to serve on the committee again next year. 

I’m really excited about the new VP position and the opportunity it gives to shape the club’s direction. Given that VP has been expressly created to help manage the welfare and social areas of the club, I feel my experience in the last year means I am uniquely suited to this position. Through my role as social sec I have managed the clubs social media, organised joined socials, helped to run tour, and of course gone to a few sports nights… This means I am well placed to help the social and welfare secs next year and oversee that area of our club. 

I also think VP provides a unique opportunity to think more long term about the club’s objectives. My experience as a committee member has shown me the parts of the club which I feel can be improved or modified in order to give our members the best experience possible. I also want to guarantee the continuation of our brilliant recruitment work this year, and ensure that our club can continue to grow and develop alongside our new members. 

UCLWCC has been an integral part of my uni life thus far and I want to preserve our welcoming and fun environment for the next few years to come!! 

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