Election post


Hi everyone!

I am running for the role of treasurer because I feel passionate about shaping Women’s Cricket Club. My experience as social secretary has provided me with valuable insights into the inner workings of our club. From organising engaging social events to fostering a sense of community amongst our members, I have witnessed first-hand the dedication and enthusiasm that defines our club. Moreover, the friendships I have made and the experiences I have shared have been truly enriching. I am eager to continue to support WCC as I believe we offer something truly special to our members.

My time as social secretary has equipped me with organisational skills and a deep knowledge of our club’s operations. This experience has prepared me to transition seamlessly into the role of treasurer. I am enthusiastic about taking on this responsibility to ensure the financial well-being and sustained growth of our club. In addition to managing finances, I am committed to collaborating closely with the rest of the committee to develop and implement strategies that will further our club's growth and success.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further contribute to our club’s bright future.

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