Election post


UCLWCC is a space where women are celebrated. A place where everyone is catered for, with sessions for beginners to experienced players and a close knit social community from the moment you join.

Ever since becoming a member last September, I have been made to feel truly at home and supported. I want to be a part of continuing this amazing group and helping it grow. As president, I want to increase the opportunities for training and raising the standard of the sport. A big part of the club is supporting the transition between softball and hardball, and I will work with the intermediate captain to help support the progression of our players.

Additionally, I want to raise the profile of WCC on a university and community wide scale, by increasing collaboration with the other women's clubs in the city. Building on the existing relationships formed through the indoor softball league and Varsity, working together would benefit everyone involved. Furthermore, I would like to increase the clubs involvement with charity, using our influence to set an example and help out in our community.

I have worked in leadership positions throughout my university career and would love to continue this further as leader of this club that I love so much. I participate in all elements of the club, attending both softball and hardball training and frequent socials and have enjoyed every second of it.

I look forward to another year of Women's Cricket and I hope I will be doing so as your president :) 

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