Election post


I am standing for the position due to firstly how much I have enjoyed being part of the women's cricket club. Joining the club this academic year as a beginner (although I did have slight previous experience), I was anxious about the level of play and the atmosphere of people who were part of the club. However everything turned out perfectly fine. In the first softball session Jayni and Joe were so nice and encouraging to everyone, no matter of their skill level which I really appreciated. Through joining the club I have met so many nice people and have seen my skills improve greatly thanks to people’s coaching and help.

Another reason I would like to be captain is to encourage others who, like me, are initially too hesitant to become more involved and attend higher level hardball sessions. Through being captain I will be able to do this by watching how softball people are progressing and encouraging them to join the net sessions. 

The softball matches are something I have really enjoyed along with everyone else I think due to there being two teams. One thing I would like to introduce or encourage if I were to become captain would be more friendly matches either amongst UCL cricket teams, with other University of London universities, or even with other women’s UCL societies. Having played in a few of the softball matches, they do tend sometimes to be quite stressful but also short. Therefore extra or more friendlier matches I believe would help everyone skills’ improve.


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