Election post


Currently one of UCLUNA's training officers, taking the position of MUN director seems like the most logical next step in my progress through the UCLUNA committee. Throughout the past  two semesters, we have seen significant progress and success within the MUN program of UCLUNA, however I believe that with the hindsight of my position last year, I can help make it so that next year’s program is even more successful.

As previously stated, I am currently one of the training officers and thus have experience in the organising of training sessions within UCLUNA. Furthermore, I am have both been staff and a delegate for some of the biggest conferences in the world, including LIMUN and WorldMUN, which has allowed me to gain experience from the MUN programs of other universities, as well as putting me in a unique place of being able to train delegates with the hindsight of a successful MUN career, with the opportunity to pass down what has allowed me to be so successful to the members of UCLUNA.