Election post


Esteemed members of the UCL Sports Business Society,


I am honoured to announce my candidacy for Treasurer and I humbly request your support in continuing our journey towards excellence.


As the Co-Founder, current Treasurer and former Welfare Officer of the society, I had a key role in launching the founding of the society with the welcome fair, where we recruited the society’s first members and social events, where we had a great time at both Bounce and TOCA. We have also formed a strong committee of 8 where we organised talks with industry professionals including cycling moguls about the cycling industry and a former rugby player-turned-TMT investment banker who was a key facilitator in the £4.25 billion Chelsea takeover.


As your Treasurer, I pledge to work assiduously towards the society's growth and expanding network. I plan to broaden the society's outreach through consolidating the network of professionals we have connected with and I plan to leverage the society's budget to support its social and professional endeavours, including hosting catered venues for networking events and talks and organising society socials.


I hope to propel the UCL Sports Business Society to further success and provide the best possible experience for our members.


Thank you for believing in me and my vision.