Election post


Only recently elected to the position of Social Welfare Secretary, I would really value the chance to continue making an impact on the social aspect of the club, brainstorming and arranging the weekly socials alongside bigger events. So far, I've helped organise joint socials with other London universities, a team meals and social themes and ideas, gaining the knowledge and contacts required to be able to effectively step into this role. I've also really enjoyed starting welfare brunch as an initiative to bring together members together to have a chat and or study (mostly chat), which I think has been a really successful way to get to know fellow members outside of drinking and something I’d hope to continue forward. Now familiar with the nature and structure of competititons like BUDS, Kings and Ajam, I would be able to effectively plan the social aspects of the events, working with other committee members in terms of directing the social aspect to these society-wide events and trips. I think that Freshers Week next year will be vital in terms of bringing in new keen members and I'd love the opportunity to not only create fun socials and initiatives but to be a friendly presence, demonstrating how welcoming and fun Snowsports is as a club to be involved in and I'll try not to break my leg before trip this time.