Election post


I am running for Creative Director as I want to establish a creative space for all. Arts has been an important part of my life as I have been practicing theatre since I was 3 and studied at School of the Arts Singapore. My experience developed skills needed within all aspects of Art, including theatre, music, visual arts, film and dance. This exposed me to the needs and wants of people from different artistic backgrounds. I’ve learnt to appreciate art not just for its beauty but for its ability to transcend many forms of expression. Furthermore, being a part of SingSoc’s upcoming play, Hotel 18 has allowed me to  grow creatively together with many new individuals and it has been very fulfilling. After meeting people who found new interests for the arts, I would love to give people who are not just affiliated with the arts but also individuals who have undiscovered interests and passions for the arts the opportunity to grow and explore more within the artistic world. The arts can bring people from all walks of life together and create an inclusive space for all. With this in mind, If I become Creative Director, I would like give everyone, regardless of artistic experience, the opportunity to appreciate art as it is by organising trips to museums and performances. I would also create opportunities for people to demonstrate their artistic skills by organising performances and showcases to allow people to reengage with their passions or discover new artistic interests.