Election post


As an English student, one of my primarily interests is how we can reinvent and adapt Shakespearean and Early Modern texts. Therefore as president of the Shakespeare Company, I will try to create a safe and inclusive space that welcomes all interpretations and recreations of these texts to show that these works are relevant and can be repurposed for the 21st century. I want to experiment with workshops and expand our festivals so that the UCL community can see how far Renaissance Theatre can be pushed. I want to encourage members to push the boundaries ('of maiden's patience') of what a Renaissance text can do for theatre and see beyond the plays, how these texts can be performed. I will contact the Student Union with the treasurer in such a way that ensures we receive the funding and support we need to diversify and bolster new works. Furthermore, I would love to see new written works in the style or inspired from Renaissance texts. Finally, I want to make sure that the society and company reflects the UCL community beyond UCL Arts by facilitating more outreach to other societies and networks at UCL. The UCL Shakespeare Company should not only be an integral part of UCL Arts but should clearly reflect both the current London theatrical community and UCL demographic, and as President I will endeavour to ensure that happens.