Election post


Hello! I am Radu, a soon-to-be third year medical student!

I have been one of the training officers this year and I hope to be one next year as well! I joined Sexpression in the first week of university, and it has been one of my favourite societies. This is largely due to the amazing community, and the effective previous committee. But more importantly, I love it because I believe in the importance of sexual education. I came from a country where only abstinence is taught so I initially had to learn everything by myself, and I saw how much harder and less effective that is. What better way for me to prevent this happening, than to prepare others that share the Sexpression values to teach students and increase our reach?

Unfortunately this year our SSC did not have enough students to be run, but I want to make sure that next year it runs. I will do so by doing direct marketing to the first years, as improving awareness about sexual health amongst medical practitioners is one of my interests. 

I have taught the new volunteers, and many students with Sexpression across my two years. Aditionally, I have small group teaching experience through my tutoring job, and I presented at over 10 conferences this year, aimed at students from year 10 to 13 with anywhere from 150 to 750 participants. 

If you also think my combination between conviction and experience makes me an excellent candidate, then VOTE FOR RADU! :DD