Election post


Hi, I'm Anika! I'm from Hong Kong and I'm currently studying Chemistry. I love combining my passion for art with my interest in science, and I think science magazines are the perfect way of using art to communicate science in an accessible way.

Previously, I've created a school science magazine with my friends in high school, which expanded internationally as we were able to collaborate with schools abroad, which became the international branches of our magazine. While it was challenging to juggle IB finals with this magazine, it was worth it to see our members' articles published on our website and to see how proud they were to share their research. I really loved being a part of that community, and as manager of our social media page, I learned how to promote articles and increase our reach. As IT and Marketing Officer, I'll make sure that the magazine website stays beautiful and polished at all times, and I'll work hard to ensure that our articles are seen by as many people as possible!