Election post


Scientific magazines played a huge role in my decision to study Chemistry at university. They broadened my intrigue beyond the scope of the A level curriculum and gave me an insight into the exciting advancements taking place in so many disciplines. Their ability to explain complex scientific methods and principles in an accessible way is inspiring. During my degree, I have continued to engage with these magazines, including the UCL SciMag, as they offer a digestible way to discover new science. The quality of the UCL science magazine is incredibly impressive and I would love to be a member of such a devoted and innovative team. As a fourth year I hope to bring a wide range of knowledge to the organisation and help others in any way I can, whether that is with writing or understanding concepts. As the Chemistry editor, I plan to host engaging writing workshops that will be beneficial to all and maintain the high quality that readers have come to expect. The third-year chemical literature module has equipped me with new writing skills and techniques that I am excited to share. I hope to continue to bring innovative and exciting scientific developments from around the world to the UCL community, explained in an interesting and thought-provoking way. I would find this role very rewarding knowing students from all disciplines are able to actively engage with science and perhaps spark new interests they were previously unaware of.