Election post


Hi! I’m Dimitra, a 2nd year Biomedical Sciences student and your current Welfare Officer! I have had a blast being your Welfare Officer this year and loved meeting so many new people! This year, I organised the Space at the Table events, including Jackbox nights and a collab with the Pokémon society. Moreover, I’ve been posting weekly mental health checks on our Discord server.
I have personal experience with the Student Mental Health Services at UCL and can help you navigate askUCL and apply for SoRA. I’m always happy to help out and if you ever need anything, whether it’s just a chat, a hug or advice, don’t hesitate to reach out!.
Next year having 2 reps will help massively to expand on more inclusive events and charity work! My current plans for next year, if I’m re-elected, include:

  • More Welfare events for all society members, separate to Space at the Table.
  • A Stardew Valley marathon charity event in collaboration with the Community Outreach Rep.
  • A nerdy karaoke night at Mulley’s (I’ve always wanted to sing the Take on me Minecraft parody, and I have found screaming lyrics to be greatly therapeutic).

I’ve been a part of this society for 2 years now and it truly feels like a family! It has given me the confidence to try out new things, like niche boardgames and murder mysteries, without fear of judgement. I would love to continue contributing in maintaining this welcoming and friendly atmosphere for all the amazing members of ssffs <3 <3