Election post


Hey, i'm Elspeth and I am the current communications officer. I am re-running for committee so I can continue to contribute to the smooth running of the society. During the past two years (as web officer before comms), I have been in charge of the society social media. I am very familiar with the way the society communications are run. This includes the managing the discord, writing the newsletter, creating posts for Instagram, and when I have good ideas creating TikToks for the society page. 

As well as managing the socials I’ve picked up extra jobs throughout the years by helping to run other events. I recently designed my second escape room for the society, space heist!, which I’d love to run again given the opportunity. If re-elected i’d love to lean more into real life games and challenges on top of the Comms duties. I’ve already got some ideas for a geocaching style event for freshers week and for a even more massive scavenger hunt type challenge that I have mildly unrealistic plans for. But everyone said the escape room plans were unrealistic and that turned out well. 

I’ve learned a lot of new skills throughout my time on the committee and feel very comfortable in my role and it’s requirements. I have made so many friends for life in this society and love meeting new nerds every week. I really enjoy giving back to the society and helping it function so more people can enjoy what I enjoy. I hope to continue being your Comms officer for my final year at UCL.